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Big firms own pro-sports team ②

Harsh situation after 2008 After the "Lehman shock 2008",many Japanese big firms who had pro or semi-pro sports team and athletes have had hard time. Especially the companies who have public investors. Those investors have had insisted tha…

Big firms own pro-sports team

A lot of Japanese professional athletes belong to firms. Except the major sports, such as baseball, soccor ,basketball,most of professional athletes belong to firms.They are hired as employee. Some of them go to firm everyday and work in t…

How many pro-sports in Japan?

Japan : Big pro Sports Country How many kinds of professional sports in your country? In Japan, following are sports which we have professional atheltes. ・Baseball ・Soccor ・Futsal ・Sumo ・Rugby ・Basketball ・Valleyball ・Table tennis …

This is TOKYO SPORTS GUIDE speaking !

Why I launch TOKYO SPORTS GUIDE? I am a big fan of sports. I love watching all kind of sports in Japan and overseas. When I visited overseas, I always try to watch the sports game. But most of the time, it is not easy to find the informati…