Sports symposium:X Sports in Yokohama
2 days symposium and seminars are held at Keio university.
The location is about 60 minutes from Tokyo station.
It's on 2nd and 3rd Aug 2018.
It cost USD180 for two days full tickets.
I joined this seminar last year, but I joined only half day at that time.
There are variety kinds of seminars.
They have about 45 sessions for 2 days from 10am to 6pm.
Each sessions has one hour.
Keio Hiyoshi campus has a quite good sports field.
Today is day 1.
First, I joined the session of Mr.Kyoei Okabe who is Asia sales manager of UEFA champions league.
3 important things.
1, China
2,The fifth wave. 放映権
3,Think globaly. Act locally
Recently,Okabe gose to China on business almost every month.
Because the market is very important.
Sports by movie contents.
Media by movie contents.
Population is power.
Analyze your customer.
Make Issue statement
Make Recommendation
What is your value,?
What is your solution.
Why you?
What is your