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Number business college:CEO WARASHIMA : Kawasaki Frontale football club (J-league)

Today`s guest is a CEO of Kawasaki Frontale Mr.WARASHIMA

Yesterday I took the seminor which is hosted by Japanese sports high quality magazine called" Number".  The host is Mr.Ikeda.

(on 14th June, at Head quater of Bungei shunju publishing company in Tokyo. Kojimachi.)


This team Frontale was 2017 Champion of J-league.(Japan soccer league)

Their hometown is called KAWASAKI city which has 1,500,000 population.

(Access to Kawasaki: 30 minutes from Tokyo station.)



They held 1300 llocal small events in 2017 to create good relationship with local people.

They entertain local people to have many local fun who come to their stadium.

 Their home stadium is TODOROKI field in Kawasaki city. It is a stadium of track and field.Average number of visitors to their hometown stadium is 22,000 per match.

 FUJITSU company has 84% of capital for this club.

So it is actually a group company of FUJITSU group.

FUJITSU is a Japanese giant company of IT and computer.

One period,they were competing IBM for business application computer.

Frontale`s yearly revenue is about  US$40,000,000 and profit was US$1,000,000.

There are 18 teams in a J-League. And their revenue is more than average.


Frontale employee:

90 people (Excluding top team coaches and athletes)

     60 people : Management,Marketing,Sales,Promotion and administration.

     30 people : Junior school coacheds and so on.


2017 Champion reward:

J-League association offered US$ 3,000,000 as a champion reward last month. 

Fun club member number : 40,000 people.

                                             Average fun age 30 to 40 years old. 


 ・Ikeda(I): What made you got championship in 2017?

・CEO Warashima(W) :Sucessfull athletes recruting and team work of all the member of the club team including sales team,marketing team.  Now we have good team work as  a team Frontale. All players are very humble. They are very always try to be polite to fun and media people.It is our team culture which our preddecessor created.

・ Questioner:Sponser fee what %?

・(W): Generally,Soccer teams earn about 50% from sponsored fee.

・(I): Generally,Japanese baseball team earn about 20 to 30%. I think it is important to have long term relationship with sponsers. Short term sponser is not good.It means if they are not good in business,they will not sponsor next year.

・Questioner:Relationship with city government is good?

・(W) We have good relatioship with Kawasaki city and city of mayor. We are local team for 22 years. And we have been trying to act as a good Kawasaki city citizen.


CEO`s presentation materials





 History of the club,  Establish 1955 as FUJITSU company football club


 Frontale got championship in 2017 for the first time.

But they were really good position.


 Average visitor number per match & Revenue and profit


Mission: Make people and town happier through sports 


I exchanged business card with him after the seminor. 


Today`s newspaper


 Soccer: US,Canada and Mexico will host 2026 soccer world cup !



 Most of the match planed to be held at stadium in US.


New sports venue in Tokyo for physically challenged people. 

f:id:yoshietakeshi0417:20180615091208j:plainLocation is  ODAIBA area.

Access:30 minutes from Tokyo station by train.

It will be demolished 2021 !   Why ?


 Japanese ski resorts try to attracts tourists in summer.








Today's flower
